Friday 26 April 2013

Sistine Chapel and Spanish Steps

Friday April 26
Today was a visit to the Vatican Museum and the Spanish Steps.  The Vatican Museum includes galleries and halls of Egyptian, Greek and Roman antiquities, tapestries, maps, religious art, modern art, Matisse, mosaics, statues, and of course Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel.  Pictures can be taken in every gallery and hall except for the Sistine Chapel.  But I snapped one picture just as I was leaving the chapel.  
The Spanish Steps are really picturesque and I walked to the top, 132 steps, then down again. 

Sistine Chapel

Vatican Museum Entrance

Vatican Museum Greek Antiquity Gallery

Vatican Museum Roman Antiquity Gallery

Vatican Museum Roman Antiquity Gallery

Vatican Museum Roman Antiquity Gallery

Vatican Museum Tapestry Gallery

Vatican Museum Map Gallery

Vatican Museum

 Vatican Museum Ceiling

Vatican Museum

Vatican Garden

Spanish Steps

View from top of Spanish Steps


  1. Very beautiful! And of course you snapped a secret Sistine Chapel picture...such a rebel!

  2. Great pics Nancy!

    I'm glad those Swiss dudes didn't cart you off to an all expenses paid extraordinary rendition in Egypt for stealing from Fuji.
